My Life's One Desire

For I »must« do the will of God, not my own will. ♥️John 6:38♥️

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here's My Life – I Surrender

In the gospel of John, chapter 4, Jesus is speaking to the Samaritan woman. He asks her for water. He soon explains to her about living water, that flows from deep within. It is this water that gives us abundant life.
To have this living water, would be so beneficial, so satisfactory, so...wonderful, would it not? To have this living water is something we all need.
He goes on to speak about worshiping God. He tells this woman, who had a messed up life, about true worship. 
"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship in Spirit and in Truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." (John 4:23)
Living Water, flowing deep within; a life full of abundance in Christ; and True Worshipers – these beautiful things Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman. Isn't that wonderful? 
To live a life like Jesus did, listening to His Father about: when He should talk, when He should go somewhere or do something. A life lived in total surrender to His Father, the One He loved above all else. This is living life in abundance. To surrender your own will, and do His, is being a true worshiper. When you put His will, and everything He wants before yourself, you are worshipping Him. 
He wants you to give up your ways for His. His ways are higher than ours. His paths are beyond tracing out! What a way to live —totally surrendered to the One who formed the heavens! 
Some days along the road are never easy. In fact, many days are difficult, and there hardly seems to be any simple way around them. Some days you have difficult temptations. Trials come to test your faith to find out: Where do you stand? 
Through all the tough trials, surrender your will for His. Be ready to say, "Here's my life, Lord. I surrender. Here's my dreams I'm letting go..." {M. Holloway}
The Father is faithful — you WILL see. 
It is difficult to surrender sometimes, isn't it? You want something so bad — but you know you must surrender. Pray. Remember that He knows whats best. Trust Him. Obey. He will lead you on, He is faithful! 


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