The clothes. The shoes. The hair.
The food. The riches. The things.
You want it. You can't get it.
But does our Father care?
He knows your needs
Why do these things matter?
They have no eternal value.
Even the birds of the air our Father feeds.
The flowers are here today
and gone tomorrow.
Your Heavenly Father knows what you need.
He will help you in a way
Perhaps you will not understand.
You might want something
He may not give you.
He still wants you to obey
His every command
In due time, yes - you'll see
God's plans always turn out
His ways are perfect
He knows what is good
Far better than either you or me.
The clothes, shoes or hair
do not matter here
nor way up there
for the eternal is
what each of us should be seeking
nothing else should be our concern
except to seek the things of Him
In Heaven He lives
He is watching you now
as you walk along this path of life.
Trials may come and go
accept them as friends.
Our Father watches how
you will react to them.
Will you seek His face?
Or will you become distressed?
Will you fear Him?
Or will you fear men?
What men think of you
will never matter in eternity
Only the will of Him who sent us
will matter when He returns.
Believe my friend - it's true.
"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. And do not even think about how to gratify the desires of your sinful flesh." {Romans 13:14}
Why worry about what you will wear, or eat, or anything when your loving Heavenly Father knows what you need? He will not give you everything you want He will give you something more. He knows what you need.
"But Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Then all these things will be added unto you." {Matthew 6:33}His Kingdom. His Righteousness. His Will. They are most important. They matter the most. Will we not live like they matter the most? Or will we go along our merry way, loving ourselves? Desiring what is not ours, wishing for things we don't have? What will we do?
"When obedience to God contradicts what I think will give me pleasure, let me ask myself if I love Him." {E. Elliot}