You allow me to come to the end
To be completely crushed, broken
For when I am utterly empty, so done for
It is there you meet me.
When all else comes crashing to the ground
Hopes dashing against The Rock
There’s no other light I’ve found
May I cling tightly to Him
Who has something different in mind
Even though this way seems dim
As for Him, His Ways are perfect
His Ways are past finding out.
Can I not give Him my dreams
That my hands may be free
So I may cling to The Solid Rock
While waves crashing all around me
Trying to batter me to and fro
All the while may I
Cling even tighter to The Rock
It’s edges seem rough
And while others might mock
These sharp pains are worth it
They’re so much less
Than the sorrow He has borne
It may seem like everything
In a moment like this
But may I consider my suffering
Worth nothing compared to His
May I care more for my Savior
Than for my own worried self in this storm
Desiring not to displease Him
Even when I’m wearied and worn
Despite my own feelings, these painful emotions
Even in this light and oh so momentary
Tests, trials, temptations alike
Yearning to bring Him all the glory