My Life's One Desire

For I »must« do the will of God, not my own will. ♥️John 6:38♥️

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.” {2 Timothy 2:3-7}

Will you be a good solider, runner or farmer? The soldier doesn't get entangled in the worlds cares, rather he seeks only His masters business. He tries instead to please the Lord with all His heart.
A runner has a goal, and it's only to please God. When he runs his race, he follows all the rules. He is careful with his life to please the Lord in every area, from his thought and heart attitudes and motives, to what he speaks. He has a goal — to finish everything God gave Him to do here, and to have more and more of the Love of God.
The farmer plants seeds and waters his crops. His goal is to have a good strong garden. Everything he does is for the his plants in order that they may grow. He desires for Gods word, and to know more of God. He reads the Lords word, digging into it and planting in his own life and others see his burden. He will receive the first share of the crop if he is diligent in taking time with Jesus alone because he wants Jesus so much and nothing else matters except to knowing HIM and being found in HIM when He comes!

Lord, you alone can help us. We need your strength your power, to overcome.

Will you join in these sufferings, laying down our own desires and doing the will of our Father instead, striving to please Him no matter what may others sufferings will come our way?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

More Than These

It is during those times of trial, suffering, pain, or weakness, that we run to Jesus. He is the Only Faithful One who will supply all our needs and help us in our time of trial.

"Peter, do you love me more than these?" Jesus asked.
"Lord, you know that I love you."
"Feed my lambs."

Perhaps your life or work is growing stressful. You are finding you often worry and spend lots of time thinking about it, wondering what you could do, what you should do. 


Jesus is asking, "Do you love Me more than this?" "Why worry about your work, when I already know what is in store? Instead pray. Give thanks."

When you think you have control or someone else has control over your job remember Jesus, Just as He told Pilate, "You have no power over me except it be given to you by my Father."

No one can touch you unless He allows it. You can be sure, that if something is happening, it is because He has a perfect plan through it all. 

Love Christ more than your job, family, school, and what the future may bring you. If Jesus is asking you to do something that you don't think you want to, ask yourself if you love Him. Do you love Him more than these things you are worrying about? More than these things you want? Take time to reflect on these things you are thinking about all the time. Do you love Jesus more than them? 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stumbling Block

"Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.””
Matthew 16:23

Isn't this a strong word? Why would Jesus say such a harsh thing to Peter? It must have been very  important these words. What did Peter say? 

“From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!””
Matthew 16:21-22

Peter was saying to Jesus that He wouldn't  have to take up His cross. Don't you think you would have said the same thing? If we thought this man was a great man and all why would He have to suffer like this, right?

Jesus always had an eternal view, and cared not for earthly things. Rather He was always ready to please His Father and go His way. 

Jesus tells Peter that he was a stumbling block to Him not having in mind the concerns of God but the concerns of man. Peter, like most of us, have earthly views on everything rather than eternal perspectives.

A man and a couple were invited for dinner at his friends house. The friends had several people in their family. Once the meal was over, they were given dessert.
Now, there were two options, one was tastier than the other. Men, loving the best for themselves always want what's better, right?
The hostess asked the man, "which dessert would you like?" Of course he asked for the best.
"I'm afraid we don't have much of that." She replied.
"Then I'll have the other." He decided right away."
Others chatted declaring which dessert they wanted.
"Alright don't worry sir, you may have the best dessert." She said to the man.
"Oh no please, I don't need it! I'm fine with having the other!"
"May this never be! You must have the best."
The man was silent. What more could he say to his hostess?


Often in life we have opportunities to take up our cross. Will we choose to take it up no matter what the cost, what others think of us, or no matter how hard they try to take it away from us?!
Let us deny our own will. Take up our cross and follow Him — the One who did this from His first days till His final ones.

Will we seek to have eternal views, rather than earthly? Will we seek Him for His life, to overflow through us?

He will conform us into His image through every situation He allows to test our faith. Praise God.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Away In a Book...

If you are like me and enjoy reading, you probably know how you can easily get entangled into a book. It becomes almost as life, and reality disappears into thin air. Whenever life is hard, you can simply run to your bookshelf and find something to get lost in.

Is this the way it was supposed to be? Or are we here for something more? Pain is a reality. However, we don't like to feel it. Suffering is all around us, but we don't want it to have a part in our lives. Yet this is not the way it was supposed to be.

In Romans, Paul says that he counts his sufferings not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us!* Can we too, endure suffering, hardship and pain? Instead of trying to get reality and God out of our lives, can we not call out to our loving Father who will help us endure all the hardships we face? If HE is truly in our lives, will HE not give us a song through the trial? If we are humble, will He not give us the grace through the thorns?

He is able to satisfy our needs, why do we need to escape them? We are to count it joy when we face trials and temptations of many kinds. Can we not face them with HIM by our side? Filled with His Holy Spirit?

Why is it, that we so easily run to our comforts? Are we truly trying to please Him and glorify Him in everything?

We can only find our satisfaction in HIM. Even though we may turn to books, movies, and other pleasures, they will never satisfy. Only He can satisfy. Why do we not turn to Him?

Even though we may go to church and know the right doctrine like the back of our hand, that does not help us to live a Holy Life for Him. If we live by the flesh and go to church on Sundays, tell me how that would make us different from anyone else. It wouldn't make us any different from anyone in the world. We simply have our ears tickled, thinking we are on our way to heaven.

Every day we get up, eat, go to work (or school), eat, work some more, eat, and go to bed. On Sundays, we may go to church, but the rest of our week is a routine. Where is the point in our lives? Perhaps we don't even have any points to our lives. Are we just living to eat, sleep, and have fun? No, we are created for so much more!

There is, in fact, a way out of this. However, many do not want to find out about this life, few there will be to find this way. It is different, it is difficult, it is dangerous. Nevertheless, it brings the most joy to your life. It is a joy that is not goosh.

"My life has meaning only when I glorify God." {Joni E. T}

Put away your books, movies, and pleasures for a moment, talk with your Father. He longs to hear your voice. Talk with Him often. Prayer is the core of my day. Without it, my day will fall apart - crumble - break. If I do not speak with the Love of my soul every day, and learn to make Him the ONLY one in my life, my life is not worth living. If I do not glorify Him in what I do, nothing seems right. Like I have said, many a time before:

 He is my everything. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

His Presence

Even in amidst the hardship, or even doing things you would rather not be doing, the Lord is near you. However, you may not be near Him. As you go throughout your day, you may say, “I don’t feel the Father near me.”

Nevertheless, He will never leave you – you might leave Him. You may not be in His presence. For, in His presence there is fullness of Joy and at His right hand are Pleasures forever more.* 
Can you be at peace and be full of joy, even when you are doing a yucky job? When you are doing God's will, but it just isn't the easiest thing to do? Are you in His Presence? 
Delight yourself in Him. Draw near to Him - He will draw near to you. 
Several weeks ago, I was cleaning at my Uncles. It was not the easiest job, rather it was difficult. The Father reminded me of the verse in Psalms about being in His presence. I was delighted in Him. 
Earlier that day, I had been reading something from a book called, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. It was an encouragement to my soul, and exactly what I needed for that day.
"Be willing to fight for this precious time with ME. Fight your own desires to stay in bed or to do your own will. Resist and the evil one will flee. Be humble and God your Father will come near you."
"Father, throughout my day, I want to be in Your presence. Show me where to go. What to say. Purify my heart and cleanse me from withing. You are all I need. Amen."

*Psalms 16:11

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Rich Man and Lazurus

"'He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ ””
Luke 16:31 NIV

What a parable Jesus told here in Luke 16. It is convicting to see how this man (the rich man) is wealthy and has many clothes and delightful food. So do many of us. And if we don't get what we want, aren't we usually grumpy? Aren't we usually upset?
The poor man, Lazarus' life is different. He doesn't have much in this life, so it seems from the outside. However, on the inside, his heart must have been pure and upright.
Just think: many people can have an appearance of righteousness, but on the inside, they are totally empty. Or, they can have a life that doesn't look like much, but on the inside, the Father is within them, helping them through each trial they face, preparing them for His Kingdom.
If we are friends of this world, the rich man's life would be welcoming and we would have many friends because of our wealth.
If we are friends of God, most likely, we are not going to be very popular.
What path will we choose? Lazarus's life was not easy, rather, it was difficult! Are we ready to serve God, no matter what the cost?
Another thing I noticed was the last verse when Father Abraham says that even if someone rises from the dead they will not believe. It is true. Jesus rose from the dead, and many still do not believe. Why would they if their life is so pleasant right now? Why would they if they receive everything they want when they want? Why would they want to even consider thinking about the afterlife? Their fulfillment is in the here and now.
Yet—in God's own time, He can lead them to repentance— if they choose to follow Him.

Let us be aware of these trials and know that we must undergo suffering for a little while, yet it is not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us! Praise God for His marvelous works!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

His Love

"Do you ever cry in earnest when you sin against Me?" our loving Father asked me. "Do you realize how much it breaks my heart when you sin?"

The Love of God is not mushy love. You know that when He loves you — He rebukes you. Have you heard His voice, rebuking you? 
When a child wants something dangerous, and the mom or dad don't give it to them, isn't that love? Or do you think the child should have whatever they want? 
Stop the selfish root when they are young. Break it! For if you let it grow and give them whatever they please, when they are older, they will be ugly, selfish people. They will expect things, and when they are not given, they will be utterly disappointed. Who is going to teach them the ways of the Lord? 
It is more difficult to break from selfishness when you are old. Nevertheless, with God, all things are possible. He can help you when you are older to break the selfish way that has grown in you. 

Have you ever cried earnestly when you have sinned against God, our loving Heavenly Father? Or do you treat sin lightly? Do you say, "Oh, I'll be forgiven anyway, it doesn't matter too much." 
How much does it bother you when you sin? Call your sin by the worst name possible, hate your sin. It is only then, when you take your sin seriously, that you will find yourself crying in earnest for the Father's help. 
He will come to your aid. In fact, He is waiting for you to call upon Him. He is waiting for you to enter to the throne of Grace so you may find mercy and help in your time of need. {Hebrews 4:14-16}
Don't ever think you can make it by your own efforts. You can't. 
Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will lead you in all truth. He will help you throughout every trial that comes your way. He will give you strength, when you have none. 
Live by the Spirit, and then you won't gratify the desires of your flesh (self). {Romans 8}
Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be humble and gentle. Be earnest. Take hold of your Christian life, live to the fullest! Don't take sin lightly. You only have one life.
The flower is here today and gone tomorrow — so it is with you. 
Change your ways, God will help you. Draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. In the same measure, you give to Him in your Christian life, that is how much you will receive from Him. Will you surrender your all each day, willing to give up everything to follow Christ? 
Jesus disciples were willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. 

Think about it. They gave up everything

Do you love Jesus more than school, work, or even your family? 
Jesus should be the only One in your life and have preeminence in all you do. 
"Do you love me more than these?" Jesus asked Peter after He helped Peter catch a numerous amount of fish. 
"Do you love me, my son or daughter more than your work?" 
"Do you love me, more than your family?" 
"Do you love, more than this life you are living and enjoying?" Jesus is asking.

If you are Christ's, you are not your own. He loves you, but will not give you everything that you want. That is not true love. True love can hurt! But it is a hurt in the best way possible. 
Jesus owns everything, He can meet your needs. He is not a hard master. He is a loving Father
Will you choose to love Him back? 

"My Father, where my plans are not your plans—oppose me! When a word on my tongue is not your word—silence me! Where I step outside of your Word to struggle on my own, or to defend myself—draw me back inside of you..." {David Hazard}

"Show me your ways. Teach me your paths. I want to know your ways. I want to hear your voice. Lead me by your Spirit. Guide my words and thoughts so they may only speak and think what you would have me to. Make me humble so I may find grace in my time of need. I am so weak, I need you to help me change my ways and turn from my sin. Lord help me I pray. Amen." 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Time to sit down with a cup of tea...

Dear young ladies. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I pray you will be blessed by it, and I hope the Lord will speak to you through it.
A few thoughts have come to my mind about being a godly young lady in this day and age. Life is difficult and temptations are strong. However, I don’t want you to look at your problems. The Lord wants you to live a victorious life.
Your future may look weary, and you don’t know what road to take. I think many a time a young person, looks too far ahead of themselves, forgetting to be faithful today. It is our loving heavenly Father who holds tomorrow. Why worry about it, when it is in His Hands? Instead, obey what He is asking you to do today. You may say, “You don’t know my life. It is too difficult to do what I know He wants me to do today.”
Sure enough. Your life may be a difficult one. However, the Father promises difficulties. He says, “In the world, you will have trouble.” (John 16:33) Nevertheless, it goes on to say that HE has overcome the world.
Think about Peter. He was walking on the water. As soon as he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. Don’t look at your problems, look to Jesus. Maybe you find yourself in that spot, the sinking spot which Peter was in. Don’t be afraid, as soon as Peter cried out for help, he was saved. Jesus wants you to acknowledge your need.
Whoever you are today, and no matter how difficult the road ahead is, know this: Jesus is there. He wants to know you, and He wants you to know HIM. Call out to Him for help. Draw near to Him. He will come to you. Obey in the areas He wants you to today, He will show you what He wants you to do next.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke of being pure in heart. Have you ever thought about that in depth? Being pure in your heart. Having no evil thoughts, nothing un-pure crossing your mind. Paul also writes to Timothy, telling him to make sure the women know their beauty is on the inside. Today, looking around at the world, do we see these two areas being practiced? No, we see the total opposite of them. The women of the world do not care about being pure at all, and they only care about being beautiful on the outside.
We must be different. As followers of Christ, we must be willing to be pure in heart, having a heart as white as snow. This way, no man can accuse us of being un-pure. If they do, we must be like Christ, and not speak back to them or justify ourselves. Also, we must be willing to have a gentle and quiet spirit, which is beautiful in God’s eyes. Wouldn’t that be wonderful, to have the Father in Heaven delighted with us?
When a young man looks at me, I do not want him to see me. No. I want him to see Jesus. Being pure in heart and obtaining a gentle and quiet spirit won’t bring attraction to you like the world wants. However, if you seek these things, and if you seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit more than anything else you have ever wanted, God will cause rivers of living water to flow from your life. Now, tell me what you think is most important. A man noticing you, or God noticing you. A man looking at you, and seeing Jesus shining from you, or simply seeing a young woman, who is beautiful. The outward beauty will fade away. I guarantee you it will. Yet, a woman who fears the Lord and has beauty on the inside, her beauty will never fade away.
May the Lord Bless you richly, as you continue to seek Him.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Psalm 23

Psalm 23, a very common Psalm almost every Christian knows or memorizes. Some of the greatest light comes not by reading lots of scripture, or even memorizing the words. Without the Lord's enlightenment, it is difficult to find bread. If we do not listen for His voice, how can we expect to learn from His Word?
Back to Psalm 23. Somehow, the song "Psalm 23" (I think that is what it is called) came to mind from some of the brethren we know wrote music for. I began to sing it in my mind and I eventually came to the part where it says, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." and once more, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
I paused for a moment.
I was amazed. How many times I had heard that chapter, and I hadn't deeply meditated on it. Now, in a moment the Father brought into my consideration, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
It is true! The Father is showing us love when He corrects and disciplines us. Shouldn't we be overjoyed when He points areas out in our life that need changing? Those areas where we are weak and we need HIS strength?
How about when brethren correct us? Instead of being upset, shouldn't we be overjoyed? They are truly showing us they care and love us as brothers and sisters of Christ! It is (I find) so easy to become upset with brothers or sisters who correct us. However, as the Proverbs say: "He who heeds correction, shows the way to life." I continually pray and long that I will not be upset when a brother or sister corrects me, and instead be joyful in hope and rejoice fir the body of Christ. He is faithful and will help us in our weaknesses, if we believe. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


That word often comes from a little child.
"Why Mom?"
As the years go on and children grow older, deep inside they ask, "Why?"
One could go around and around asking the simple question, "Why?"
Sometimes, we too, as Christians, ask the Lord, "why?"
He has an answer for everything. IF you are willing to listen.
When you do not understand and ask “Why?" - remember the Father's answer.
"My ways are higher than your ways. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts." {Isaiah 55:9}
At the time it is unclear. However, if we are willing to listen and learn His ways, He will show us His ways. Once it all has passed, we will find, His ways are higher than ours. They are perfect, and we couldn't do half as good as the Father's perfect planning if we were in control. We mess things up. He sees the whole picture, we don't.
This is where trusting comes in. Are we ready to fully trust, even if we don't understand, why? Remembering that His ways are higher; we can believe that He will do as He has promised. We can then obey Him and do His will, knowing that His will is the best.
Once the picture is completed, we'll look back and see how each detail worked out for His glory and purpose. Isn't He wonderful?
 If only we can remember this through our time of testing! Before we answer full of frustration, if we could remember God knows best, and we should obey what He wants instead of answering the way we want to — wouldn’t that be wonderful? God is the God of the impossibles. He will help us. Will He not? He won't leave us on our own to figure these things out, would He? Never! Praise His Name!

Therefore, let us enter those storms of trials, those times where we wonder why. Let us enter with boldness to His throne of grace to find mercy and help in our time of need. All through the storm, He will see us through. When we look back, we will be reassured, He knows best.

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