It is during those times of trial, suffering, pain, or weakness, that we run to Jesus. He is the Only Faithful One who will supply all our needs and help us in our time of trial.
"Peter, do you love me more than these?" Jesus asked.
"Lord, you know that I love you."
"Feed my lambs."
Perhaps your life or work is growing stressful. You are finding you often worry and spend lots of time thinking about it, wondering what you could do, what you should do.
Jesus is asking, "Do you love Me more than this?" "Why worry about your work, when I already know what is in store? Instead pray. Give thanks."
When you think you have control or someone else has control over your job remember Jesus, Just as He told Pilate, "You have no power over me except it be given to you by my Father."
No one can touch you unless He allows it. You can be sure, that if something is happening, it is because He has a perfect plan through it all.
Love Christ more than your job, family, school, and what the future may bring you. If Jesus is asking you to do something that you don't think you want to, ask yourself if you love Him. Do you love Him more than these things you are worrying about? More than these things you want? Take time to reflect on these things you are thinking about all the time. Do you love Jesus more than them?